I have William Butler Yeats to thank for the title of this article, which has nothing to do with George Quaintance.

If you visit here often, you have noticed that the site has been inactive for about a year. Blame technology.

GQisbackAt the end of 2022, I was notified that my content management system (CMS) — the backbone on which the site is built — was outdated. In addition to requiring an update, the entire site needed to be moved to a new server, capable of handling the new CMS. I hired a person to do that who, working with my web host, moved and updated the site. Somehow, they wrecked it.

The web host was useless and helpless. One by one, I engaged different people to fix the problem, but $2000 and several "fixes" later, it became apparent that it was easier to make promises than to deliver on them.

So, I sent a cry for help to the universe using Craigslist. It drew nearly 100 replies. Having no basis for knowing who truly knew whereof they spoke, I retained the first person who replied. More wasted time, money and energy. Screening the other replies, I emailed or texted a few who seemed more promising. Got the brass ring with John!

Now I have an updated CMS, a bug-free site (fingers crossed), and a new web host. I can finally resume posting articles about the guy you came to hear about, George Quaintance. This image of him from a 1953 magazine ad seemed appropriate to illustrate this article.

In the meantime, there has been a dearth of new information about Quaintance since Covid hit, so if you have stories to tell or images to share, please direct them my way.

BTW, making a donation is a great opportunity to help defray the costs I've incurred in keeping this blog alive. As it says elsewhere, all parts of this site are free and I derive no income from it. There's a "Donate" button at the right and you can use Zelle, Venmo, or Paypal. Thank you.